Enoki mushrooms contain substances that may help inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
Enoki mushroom is an edible mushroom with high nutritional value. It is rich in protein, vitamins and mineral salts.
Enoki mushroom is an edible mushroom with high nutritional value. It is rich in protein, vitamins and mineral salts. It also contains antioxidant nutrients that help prevent diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer.
The study found that the Enoki mushroom contains a compound called Flammulin. (Flammulin), a substance that inhibits the growth of cancer cells. Flammulin inhibits the division and proliferation of cancer cells in many ways, such as
- inhibit the growth of new capillaries in a tumor make the tumor unable to grow.
- inhibit the synthesis of proteins necessary for cancer cell growth.
- trigger the death of cancer cells.
The study found that gilt-bronze flammulin is effective in inhibiting the growth of many cancer cells such as breast cancer, colon cancer and liver cancer.
How? However, most studies on the anti-cancer effects of Enoki mushrooms are laboratory and animal studies have not yet been conducted in humans. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that they can actually help prevent or treat cancer.

Precautions for Eating Enoki Mushrooms
Enoki mushrooms are safe to eat, but they should not be eaten raw. Because it may be contaminated with germs. In addition, people with mushroom allergies should avoid eating Enoki mushrooms.

How to Eat Enoki Mushrooms
Enoki mushrooms can be eaten in a variety of ways, such as boiled, steamed, fried or roasted. Enoki mushrooms should be washed clean before cooking and cooked before eating.
The Enoki mushroom contains a compound called Flammulin. Which is a substance that inhibits the growth of cancer cells.However, most studies on the anti-cancer effects of Enoki mushrooms are laboratory and animal studies have not yet been conducted in humans. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that they can actually help prevent or treat cancer.
Enoki mushrooms can be cooked into various dishes such as soups, stir-fries, salads, etc. It adds delicious flavour and texture to any dish while providing essential nutrients for a healthy diet.
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Prioritize your health by adding Enoki Mushrooms to your dish and boost your immune system.
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